[inwave_heading style=”style2″ preview_style_2=”” preview_style_2_1=”” title=”Welcome to the #1 Online Pharmacy” description=”We are a one-stop online Pharmacy where all your Pharmacy needs are met.” align=”center” position_border=”border-center” color_title=”#232323″ font_size_title=”30px” font_weight_title=”600″ text_transform_title=”uppercase” color_title_border=”title_border_gray”]
[Modal-Window id=”1″]
[inwave_item_info style=”style4″ preview_style7=”” title=”Search for Medicines” sub_title=”Approved Medicines” description=”We have list of approved medicines that meet your medical needs.” link=”http://rxonlinepharmacy.com.ng/drugs” readmore_text=”Visit Store” align=”center” img=”4358″]
[inwave_item_info style=”style4″ preview_style7=”” title=”Certified Pharmacists” sub_title=”Collection of Pharmacists” description=”We have qualified and certified Pharmacist in every medical Department.” link=”http://rxonlinepharmacy.com.ng/pharmacists” readmore_text=”Book Appointment” align=”center” img=”2552″]
[inwave_item_info style=”style4″ preview_style7=”” title=”Drug Information” sub_title=”Helpful information” description=”Get helpful drugs and health information, advice and consultancy.” link=”http://rxonlinepharmacy.com.ng/health-information” readmore_text=”Read Articles” align=”center” img=”2553″]
[inwave_item_info style=”style4″ preview_style7=”” title=”Bulk Purchase” sub_title=”Buy Genuine Drugs in Bulk” description=”Do you own a Pharmacy? We can supply you with bulk genuine drugs from the manufacturers.” link=”http://rxonlinepharmacy.com.ng/bulkpurchase” readmore_text=”Buy Now” align=”center” img=”2549″]
[inwave_heading preview_style_1=”” title=”Our {Values}” align=”left” color_title=”#232323″ font_size_title=”42px” font_family_title=”Poppins” font_weight_title=”300″ line_height_title=”48px” preview_normal=”” css=”.vc_custom_1529186175069{margin-bottom: 55px !important;}”][inwave_item_info style=”style5″ preview_style8=”” title=”Our VIsion” description=”To be the solution centre to every medical problems.” img=”2557″][inwave_item_info style=”style5″ preview_style8=”” title=”Our Mission” description=”To provide approved drugs and helpful information on every medical need.” img=”2559″][inwave_item_info style=”style5″ preview_style8=”” title=”Our Aim & Objectives” description=”- Deliver needed Drugs to your door step.
– Provide you with qualify Pharmacists.
– Provide you with the right information wherever you are.” img=”2561″]
– Provide you with qualify Pharmacists.
– Provide you with the right information wherever you are.” img=”2561″]
[inwave_heading preview_style_1=”” title=”Who {We Are}”][inwave_accordions preview_style1=””][inwave_accordion_item title=”About Rx Online Pharmacy”]Welcome to Rx Online Pharmacy; the one-stop all-in-one Online Pharmacy. We are a platform whose vision is to be the solution centre to your medical problem.Our core areas of concentration are Drugs availability at your premises or door step, first-hand and helpful medical information. We have a team of qualified and dedicated health professionals e.g. Pharmacists, Physician, Lab. Scientists etc We consist of a Team of goal-dedicated departments across the country professionals in various medical .[/inwave_accordion_item][inwave_accordion_item title=”Our Pharmacists”]We have carefully selected qualify and certified Pharmacists that cover every medical departments across the country. Irrespective of your location, medical challenge or even language, we have Pharmacists who understand you by your side.[/inwave_accordion_item][inwave_accordion_item title=”Our Online Drugs Store”]Our Online Drugs Store is the collection of over 20,000 approved drugs for various medical problems which can be delivered to your door-step within the shortest period of time possible.[/inwave_accordion_item][/inwave_accordions]