What is Gripe water?
Gripe water is a herbal liquid supplement and remedy used by most parents for the easing of their baby’s stomach pains of any sort. This is because most of the ingredients used in the production of gripe water naturally have stomach-soothing properties.
Ernest Gripe Water for the relief of Gastric Pain, Flatulence, Minor Digestive Upset and Teething Discomfort in babies and children.
How to give gripe water to a baby?
For Ernest Gripe water, the recommended dosage differs for different age brackets. They are as follows
For newborn infants: Half 5ml spoonful, For 1-6 months old: One 5ml spoonful, 6months – 1year old: Two 5ml spoonfuls, 2years and over: Two to three 5ml spoonfuls
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